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Chemotherapy: The Silver Linings

Sure chemo has its downsides, but who wants to focus on that! Here's the good stuff, in no particular order.

1. With no hair to wash and leg/armpit hair to shave, showers are super quick! And let's be honest, less frequent.

2. I have received some of the most meaningful and treasured letters and gifts of my lifetime in the last few weeks. Many of them hand-made and all so full of love.

3. People keep texting me the cutest and goofiest photos and videos! I love it! Babies eating burritos, dogs giving hugs, fascinating weekly YouTube playlists, kids asking all sorts of questions about my doctors and what color band-aids they give out, photos of failed high five attempts; I'm always smiling!

4. There was a lice outbreak in my classroom at school this week and I didn't have to worry about it, for multiple reasons!

5. I can go from snuggling under blankets, to ready to go in under two minutes. A swipe of the mascara wand and a hat on my head and I'm as all dolled up as I'm gonna be!

6. I'm living out my fake dream life of being a "lady who lunches," especially last week when my teacher friends were on spring break!

7. Kitty snuggles. Lots and lots of kitty snuggles.

8. Our guest room is finally set-up. We've so enjoyed having family and friends visit! And are looking forward to many more!

9. Just a little sun exposure goes an extra long way. This summer might be my best tan yet!

10. I've gotten to catch up and reconnect with people I haven't talked to in too long! It feels so good to reestablish more frequent communication patterns with family and friends.

11. I'm getting all caught up on the series I missed over the last 15 years. How come no one mentioned "The Wire" and "Harry Potter" were so good? Oh right, you did.

12. My husband is so nice to me. Like, super extra nice. I'm a grateful, lucky lady.

13. And this one is for you, FitBit friends, I'm going easy on you for now, but I'll be back!

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