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Back on (a bumpy) Track!

We had a great visit with my oncologist, Dr. Goldfarb last Wednesday! We left feeling reassured and, with 5 weeks of chemo appointments scheduled, like we had a plan and were back on track! Of course, cancer seems to have a mind of its own and those plans were quickly thwarted, but we still have our chins up! My blood counts were taken at the appointment on Wednesday and because of the 2 week Taxol break, we assumed my counts would be high enough for chemo on Friday, two days later. It turned out that wasn't the case so I was sent again for neupogen injections on Thursday and Friday and chemo was rescheduled for yesterday, Monday. Going forward, I'm scheduled to receive two neupogen injections each week to prevent this delay from happening again.

Happy to be going home after chemo at the Brooklyn Infusion Center

Yesterday was my first day of treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering's Brooklyn Infusion and, as far as these things go, it was fantastic! It's only 2 miles from our house and easily accessible by subway or bus with minimal walking, a big bonus. It's much smaller than the main infusion center, and just as clean and nice, and there was virtually no waiting time at all. Unheard of! Yesterday was a double dose day for me - Abraxane and Carbo, but even still we were in and out in 2 and a half hours. I think we're starting to get the hang of this! Of course the best news of all, only one more Carbo day left!

It wasn't all injections and doctors visits around here last week though! My trusty(?) Barber Q gave

I think your razor is upside down Quincy!

my fuzz a much needed trim, though we're divided as to whether I look more cancer-ish now or before. My eyebrows are definitely getting thin now too! Our friend and beloved wedding officiant

Elizabeth was in town for a night and we were honored to celebrate with her all of the incredible achievements of her workplace, A Better Balance, in worker's protections and paid family leave.

I was blown away by the thoughtful and incredibly labor intensive gifts I received from family and friends this week. You all are amazing and I am so uplifted and comforted by your ongoing love and support! Thank you!

The most lovable and comforting handmade doll from a colleague and friend, with a tiny backpack filled with love notes from my coworkers and students.

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